Freedom is a value most crave for.
Freedom from monotony, freedom from routines and freedom from old mind set.
To redesign and reinvent our lives, where we have the freedom for creative self expression is upto us.
A well planned and productive daily schedule brings us a lot of freedom as it frees up our time to enjoy what we most cherish.
When we follow up on our passion and do what we are passionate about, it helps us achieve all that desire to.
Find a comfortable place to sit and make yourself comfortable.
Breathe in deeply and slowly exhale...
One more time breathe in deeply and slowly exhale...
One last time breathe in deeply and slowly exhale...
Slowly begin to close your eyes and begin to relax deeper...
Take your mind on a mental flight and slowly begin flying...
Take yourself high and begin to look down...
See all the farms & fields below merge to become a green carpet...
Become aware of your time related work pressure and continue flying higher...
Slowly see all the time zones of past and present begin to get blur as you fly higher...
As you continue to look down, there no longer is any division of time be it past or present...
What you see below in a palpable energy of time opened to you, you are free to begin using it doing all that you desire to...
As you continue on this journey you begin to feel immense freedom to do all that you want to...
Your mind, body and thoughts begin to relax...
Slowly whenever you feel fully energized and free you can begin to descend and slowly and gently come back.
Become aware of the place your sitting on, become aware of your body
Your mind is now de-cluttered and feeling free.
This may be practiced whenever there is a feeling of overwhelm.